Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 16 Week 3 - 7 day exercise challenge

So yesterday I started a 7 day exercise challenge with a fellow you tuber who had been struggling to get in the workouts that she wanted to. we are recording our workout's and then posting a video on Monday the idea is to move for 30 minutes each day doing what ever we want to do for exercise. it's a good way to get your body moving and to get back on the wagon of exercise if you have been off for a while. Yesterday's eating was so random. I need to be better today. I am off to work soon. Don't want to go but will. And I will go in do my job come home. It's to the point that I don't even want to go any more and as soon as I step in the door my mood changes from good to bad, I am going out looking for another job as soon as I can. Because it is uncertain if I will have one come the new year and I don't want to wait around to find out.
   Any way i will be working out with the biggest loser workout tonight and am walking today to work and home. first bottle of water is almost done and I will be sure to get in two at work, with the running around I will be doing all day today won't be a problem. I worked 6 hours on Monday and drank 2 bottles at work I had three done before 4 o'clock. I have started to track my food have breakfast logged and my walking for this morning and my work walking. I will add the links later tonight and update again after work.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwww....I am sorry you are unhappy with your job. Been there, done that and it makes it miserable. I know. Hang in there. I hope you find something ASAP! Love ya!
